Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Metallic Summer Trend

Metallic Trend Alert

This week was packed with par­ties and pre­mieres, so we kept our eyes on all of the red car­pet hap­pen­ings to fill you in on the trends that are on the rise —
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Shim­mery metal­lics: The hol­i­day sea­son doesn’t start for anoth­er month or so, but it looks like celebs are already test-driving shiny party looks. This week alone, Eva Lon­go­ria donned a cop­per num­ber, Mandy Moore sport­ed a shiny black frock and Kelly Osborne wore a sil­ver sheath. You can count on see­ing sim­i­lar­ly shim­mery styles until just after New Year’s Eve.
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Whether its a sheer sweep of eye shadow or a shinycoat of nail polish, silver is the perfect edgy accent for day and night….



1. Start with a metallic silver eyeshadow over the whole lid.

2. Apply a small amount of dark eyeshadow to the outer corners of the lid.
3. Using a pencil brush, use the same dark eyeliner and continue the dark line underneath the eye.

4. Use a very bright white metallic eyeshadow to brighten up the inner corners of the eye.

5. Add a coat of mascara, and voila!
even ghd have gone mettalic for summer check out their new irons below.
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